Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Could some one comment on this please?

this really is aweful. first of all, you say the nazis and the ss men and the gespatio and the and the and the... (ps, i think they're all the same thing... well the ss and nazis are.) then you say it was cold twice. then back then in 1940s, which i'm uming is your setting, they didn't dye your hair, they bleached it, and i'm pretty damn sure that they didnt have color contacts back then. then you say it was amazing. in the 1940s, it wasint amazing, it was darling, or gay, or golly. another thing is that this part it too short. unless your looking for a diary of anne frank thing, which is sorta dumb, because anne lived back then... and what was the point of the hole and the dye and the whole family if she was just going to get discovered anyway. and another thing, the jerold and oma lady will be arrested to for hiding a jew... so...

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