Thursday, August 18, 2011

I have an idea, yet everyone keeps putting me down...what to do?

Recently I've been trying to create something. Well, it's called the "peasent pill", an ingenious device to make anyone into the peasent of their dreams. After ingesting this pill one would change, twist, change their morphology to suit the life of serfdom and subservience. One would gain a peasent's smells and servitude, as well a lower moral and a drastically low confidence. Boils and bumps and humps and anything else one would want would be there's! Smells, un-savory, yet dark-agish nonetheless would waft off the individual and new forms of bacteria would ferment off them as well. My colleagues think I'm mad...crazy they say! They say it's absolutely ludacris to try something of this magnitude and anyone willing to try is foolish! Yet I still stand, undaunted and un-defeated, in my cause for justice! Please sign if you agree with my attempts and want a more free, more "peasently" perfect world overall! I stand for the truth!

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