Thursday, August 11, 2011

Your opinon on this? New rule in my highschool regarding teen pregnacy?

My school (not the district) just implanted a new rule. When a girl is pregnant, and "showing" she will be moved from our school, and put into another building either the AIM building (for kids who have disciplinary problems..such as failing, skipping cl, constantly late..) or Dexter (for the severe disciplinary problems.. such as constant fighting, offensive behavior, etc) The kids in those schools have cles of five - ten students to a cl room, so they get more attention to deter behavior, great idea. But i'm kind of on the fence about adding pregnant teens to these schools. I understand the school not wanting to show a "bad image", or show that it is "acceptable" but, should the girls be punished for deciding not to abort their children, and carry to full term? Not so sure. Any thoughts, im on the fence about this one.

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