Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christina Hendricks : hot or fat?

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My husband thinks he wants a divorce?

I still love him but he wants a divorce. We fight all the time and he drinks when he is mad. He has called me a shitty wife etc. I know I'm in a bad relationship but I don't want to just jump ship because we fight. We've almost been married for 2 years and we are both 21. Yes, I know young. What do I do? I don't want to become another statistic

If I make a derogatory reference to Obama's competence, I'm a bad guy; why was it ok to slander George Bush?

Barry is one of his legal names, so I see nothing wrong with calling him Barry. Barry has done a lot worse than Bush could have done in twenty years. Double Standards is the top priority of the left. Do as I say do, not as I do, is the Liberal Bible. People with common good sense knows that obama is a totally failure and bad for America.

Hypnotists - what do you think?

I think hypnotists suck. But i have this theory - The only people who think hypnotists are cool have been hypnotized to think so. Am I wrong - or did I hit the nail on the head?

Tattoo placement question?

I want "family over everything" in script somewhere, just not sure where. I was thinking about my foot but I was a little worried about blurring and all that, so I'm trying to think of another placement that would look good and not out of place. Not into tramp stamps or anything that is incredibly visible (leg, neck, etc)

There's this guy:S?

you are sooooooooooooooooo Confusing he might like you or he might not!!! but the teasing is mean!!!!

What is the fastest internet enabled mobile phone ? i will connect it to my pda via buetooth?

mobile phone that is buetooth ready to be connected to my Ipaq thank you!! I will use my ipaq for internet

Malaysians, are you satisfied with the election results?

Malaysian politics are turning into a mess and results of recent elections indicate a period of turmoil ahead!

I have an idea, yet everyone keeps putting me down...what to do?

Recently I've been trying to create something. Well, it's called the "peasent pill", an ingenious device to make anyone into the peasent of their dreams. After ingesting this pill one would change, twist, change their morphology to suit the life of serfdom and subservience. One would gain a peasent's smells and servitude, as well a lower moral and a drastically low confidence. Boils and bumps and humps and anything else one would want would be there's! Smells, un-savory, yet dark-agish nonetheless would waft off the individual and new forms of bacteria would ferment off them as well. My colleagues think I'm mad...crazy they say! They say it's absolutely ludacris to try something of this magnitude and anyone willing to try is foolish! Yet I still stand, undaunted and un-defeated, in my cause for justice! Please sign if you agree with my attempts and want a more free, more "peasently" perfect world overall! I stand for the truth!

Question about oxidation?

HCl is a strong acid, so in aqueous form, it is just Cl- and H+ ions floating around. The reduction reaction happens with the Chlorine, not the H+.

Samsung blu ray player plays burned disks?

So long as the disc and format you use will be compatible, yes, it can play burned Blu-ray movies / discs.

What House or placement in our charts would show what types of people we are attracted to as friends?

For friends, look to the house Aquarius is in, Ur, and the ruler of the natal 11th. When you speak of platonic, it relates to the 7th and not the 11th. And thant includes any relationship, partnership, common law, etc... All relates to the 7th. When you talk about platonic relationship, you would have Aquarius on the 7th cusp or Ur.

I have a ton of issues (long)?

Live with it, other people have issues too. At least math is easy for you, I am only getting a B in precalc.

Need song for presentation at school?

im doing an environmental presentation about conserving energy ,im in 9th grade but the audience will be kindergarden to 3rd grade,any ideas?

Which dump was the most satisfying dump you have ever taken?

We all do it, and sometimes it is a glorious occasion! Mine was just a couple of days ago. I was getting ready for cl and I had to let one go. Afterwards I felt like a new man! The day was so much better. The birds chirped louder, the air was crisper, and world was my oyster!

How do I get a knife "scary sharp"?

I am pretty good at sharpening my knives. However No matter how hard I try I cant get them "Scary Sharp" to the point where I can shave the hair of my arm. I am using a Norton sharpening stone with both coarse and fine grit the finishing off with 600 grit sand paper and a leather strop. Are there any better tools to use. Also how to I get a Mirror Polish on my knives. If there is anyone who can share some light that would be great.

Will The Philadelphia Eagles Win SuperBowl XLV?

Did they get a QB who's not perversely overrated? No? Then the best you can hope for is another epic failure in the NFC Championship game.

Did you see where NASA administrator, Charles Bolten said?

that his "formost" mission as head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the muslim world? What the hell is that about?

Purchased a home at foreclosure auction?

We purchased a home in a foreclosure auction in Machusetts. Right before closing we heard that the foreclosed owner claims that there has been a bogus Power of Attorney for the mortgage that was foreclosed on. I checked the paper at the registry and it looks like instead of the actual owner somebody else has signed with POA next to their name. This doent is notarized. However the notary says that the actual owner is at presence. Anyways, they're getting the house back with a claim that the signer on the $360K mortgage is a fraudulent person. How can this happen?

Please help...really FAST i need ur opinion???????? thanks alot!?

That's probably why he was trying to pull away from you, so you wouldn't get the wrong idea. He can probably tell that you have deeper feelings for him, while he only thinks of you as a friend. As you said, you'll never admit it, so you have to let him go. Just be a friend, but don't push him to other things.

What should I wear when I go to ITALY in november?!!!!???!?

Wear what you like but make sure you look hot in it because then you might meet some cute italian boys and you want to make people jealous of you. but dont be a slut. just make sure you look good doing all the tourist-y things :)

Is ir true that the queen of the UK made a gift to Iraqi refugees in the form of the whole town in the UK?

And as if a very big number of Iraqi refugees took up their residence in this UK town and almost all this town belongs to them. Is it true? How do you personally like it?

OK this pisses me off-- NYY bullpen?

That albaledejo(spelling was bad lol) guy gets called down every chance possible. twice this year for edwar ramirez guy this year. the kid is pitching finely./ WHY NOT CALL SOMEONE ELSE DOWN!? the kid is pitching finely./ id say farnsworth but obviously what he is getting paid but if girardi is so agressive, why not? and who else would you call down?

Should Brodie Croyle take over the Chiefs? Kyle Boller take over the Rams? Vince Young take over the Titans?

Trust me kyle bowler sucks, he used to play for my team (bmore ravens) he sucks at being a back up and he trips on his own 2 feet

I am ugly and very depressed please help!!!?

i am 15 , im mixed race i dont have acne or braces i just tink im really ugly and im depressed pls tell the truth pls check ,y fb @ hugh james cooksley

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do you convert dvd to wmv for free, tried movavi and it puts a watermark on the video, any freeware?

Most free converters put a watermark on the output file. You get rid of it by paying for it. (That's what shareware means - you get to see how well the program works before you pay for it - you don't get it without paying.)

From Middle School to High School?

Okay, I am transitioning from Da Vinci Arts Middle School to High School(unsure of which one) next year and I am wanting to go to Franklin if I can get into some really good art cles, such as Ceramics, Drawing, etc. but there is also Trillium Charter School which is really close to my house, its K-12, a very small school which will help students(like me) focus better, has African Drumming(which I absolutely LOVE) and a handful of other things that make it very similar to Da Vinci but I can't decide on one. Franklin is supposed to be the only High School marked as Outstanding but my mother is skeptical because of my brothers and sisters history there. Alot of kids I have heard about, go to Franklin and they start doing drugs, drinking, stealing, etc. but I toured it today and it sounds like a REALLY good school but so does the other one. The thing is, my mother is not completely on board with me wanting to go to franklin(because of the reasons above) but I think Franklin offers a better education. Does anyone know of these schools? If so, do you have your own personal opinion of which is better?

Can free will possibly exist?

As far as I know, quantum physics does allow for "undecided" states. And then, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle means that even when everything is determined, it cannot be measured. Therefore, for all practical purposes, free will does exist. And it seems to me that human beings do act so unpredictably that it is not justified to compare them to pre-programmed machines. A fact that makes living as one difficult but also interesting.

Anyone good at writing poetry?

I have to write a Shakespearean sonnet about war. 14 lines...ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. Does anyone have any good examples or personal works of their own?

Pain and suffering?

how much should i ask for in my lawsuit for pain and suffering. i had a hairline fracture on my c-4 in my neck. and i had a collapsed disc in my back. i had surgery a disc replacement with fusion. the fusion didnt take all the way. and i am still in pain. down my legs and into my toes. my recovering from the surgery was very painfull due to a hematoma in my stomach behind my incision. and i got very sick and had to go back to the hospital twice.

Question please answer?

During a recess period, a heated racial argument breaks out between two students. The two become very angry and decide to settle it with their fists. You are supervising the grounds with two other aides and MUST take some action. Describe the action you would take.

Schedule K-1: how to report the following?

the LLC incorporated in 2009 and will dissolve dec 28, 2009. we incurred a loss and i received a return of my capital less than the initial investment. On the K-1, do I report the loss as Ordinary Business Income (Loss) in Line 1 of Part III, or as a ST capital loss in Line 8, section III? Or both? also, Line 19 - distributions. My disb'n was more of a return of capital. what should i put in Line 19 - Distributions?

SONGS??? anyone???:)))?

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Is it normal to feel like this?

My best friend is at a banquet tonight, so we haven't talked (I just sent him a text saying goodnight however). He asked a girl to go with him, but just as friends. I feel really jealous, is that normal? He's 3 years older than me; so the girl he asked out is his age. But I'm just in a mood where I don't feel like doing anything or talking to anyone..?

Could Harold Camping be sued for promissory estoppel?

I thought this was an interesting concept. If someone lived the last few weeks as if it were really their last, neglected bills, ran up debt, etc. based on the promises or as he put it "guarantee" that the world would end on the 21st. Obviously, it didn't, so in this hypothetical scenario where someone relied on the promise of another, could he be held liable for promissory estoppel?

I was propositioned today, what should I do?

I was sitting in cl today when the boy sitting next to me started asking me some very personal ual questions. Then he asked me did I want to "do something for him" after school. I repeatedly told him no and gave him every kind of excuse I could. Even though he left me alone, I am sooo scared, what should I do? I sit next to him in cl. Help me!

What do you think of my 2009 fantasy baseball team?

it is a decent team, ur RP pitching is weak though and ur team wont get many SB at all. I would try trading away Berkman and a mediocre pitcher for someone who can swipe some bases like Crawford of i would go after k-rod or moster

Soo, i really need serious help ASAP.10 points?

Ok, im well aware that there are some women who get their period, while they are pregnant. Ive been expecting that ive been pregnant ever since februar, but ive gotten my periods ever since then, around the correct day.but lately i've just been feeling soooo horrible. I havent gotten morning sickness, but my have been soo tender, and their never like that.. i dont know if their growing, or if its a symptom of pregnancy. Also ive had lottsss of its soo embarring, and i could eat 3 hot dogs w/ roll and water, and still feel like i havnt eaten all day. Then on other occasions i'll just eat something so small like a pop-tart and im completely full. And the last symptom is i run to the bathroom like its gonna run away lol..because it feels like im about to burst, and when i get there, its only a small specle.. also, my lower back has been KILLING me, and i dont even do hard labor, i barely lift things, besides if im cleaning my room, and i feel soo bad like i need to ...

In the new mastercard commercial for dinning out they are eating something out of what looks like an oyster?

the coomercial shows weird appetiesers at first then fish then something else yellow with other stuff served in what lloked like an oystershell what is it?

What should I do to write a paper on the rhetorical considerations of "I want a wife" by Judy Brady?

We have to read her essay, then write a paper exploring it on 3 levels. 1. as an attempt to say something important. 2. as a paper written to make people think, feel, and react in certain ways. 3. as a cultural artifact that embodies the beliefs of some people at a certain time. I know no one is going to type up a paper lol but I'm stuck and wondering how to write this paper? anything I can focus on? This is really confusing and its a tough read.

Help with shakespeare?

I need to write a short (200-400 words) piece on a Macbeth scene but I have to rewrite it to the present using modern day language keeping the characters true to their personalities. Any ideas on a scene i could do..? and where I could set it in the present?

Is tracy mcgrady getting traded since not getting through first round again?

Hell no mcgrady shouldnt be traded, he is everything on the team, imagine a combination of mcgrady, yao and a great point guard such as tj ford would do !! ppl god damn it he scored 40 damn points !! almost the half of the rockets points he was HOT as he always is !

Why would you have your DH to have red bull before BD'ing?

I read it in a question once where a girl got a positive OPK and had her husband drink a red bull on his way home from i was curious.

Baby girl name for ollie and lou (grandmothers names)?

Our grandmother's names are ollie and lou ellen. My husband and I are very close to our grandmothers. I would really love for our second daughter to be named after the two of them but cant come up with any good names. I like the name Olivia for ollie. but I cant come up with anything for the lou or ellen. please help me come up with something so we can honor our grandmothers

Help my crock pot turned off and I didnt know.then I turned it back on?

I am cooking a pork shoulder 3lbs in my crock pot it cooked for a good three hours and then mypot shut off ( because of a timer I didnt know was set) it sat for probablly 2 hrs before I realized this . I turned it back on high is this ok , im worried about safty of the meat now and taste.

I am soooooo happy right now!?

Hi everyone. I did two tests on friday and they both came up very faint positives, done a clearblue on saturday morning and that was also faint positive. Done another test today and that faint has turned into a BFP and is sooooo clear. I'm so excited! Sorry just thought id share that lol! X

Wondering if my motherboard supported dual independent display?

I can't find any information on it and I needed to know if my motherboard (Intel BOXDG35EC LGA 775 Intel G35 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard with and integrated Intel GMA X3500 chip set) supported dual independent display before I went out and bought a separate video card.

What is JOCK ITCH? & what is the BEST medication? i wanted to help my bestfriend,people are making fun of him?

bec. they found out that he have JOCK ITCH, pls.HELP.. thanks alot & God bless you all,specially your family!

How many American soldiers killed in Afghanistan?

I keep hearing about British soldiers being killed on the brit news (now running at about 1 per day) but dont seem to hear of American soldiers even on US news channels What are the figures for US soldiers and why dont they give it out on US news.

Why wouldn't the DNC change candidates IF the "One" is faltering in the polls, etc?

Because the DNC is determine to nominate Obama in order to keep the black community within the party. Obama's nomination is not for the purpose of winning the White House in November, but to give the black community and extreme liberal democrats a reason to stay with the party in the long run. The DNC's goal is to sacrifice the election in order to keep the party base in line for the long term. Now they can lay claim to the black vote for decades. So if Obama were caught on tape beating a 5 year old white girl, the DNC would still not change to another nominee.

Is an old fashion/style fire place worth anything to a house?

Possibly. These days it would probably need to be retro-fitted to accommodate a gas insert of some sort. My guess is that is pretty expensive as it would be a custom job. You may find someone that could use wood and appreciate it as a design aspect of the house. Unfortunately not many people are willing to deal with wood fireplaces. If it has metal hardware or something like that you may want to have someone come look at it to make sure its not worth $.

Is "Forever" by Judy Blume a trashy novel, or is it cleverer than it seems?

The book was banned, and when I read the wikipedia synopsis it sounded quite interesting so I bought it. But now that I'm reading it, it sounds a bit trashy... does it get better, or should I stop reading?

Whats the name of the song in the Sons of Anarchy "brotherhood teaser" on their website?

it's in the short commercial they play on tv all the time. Sounds like the lyrics say "hello my friends" not sure though.

If you met someone from Australia, and they told you they rode Kangaroos to school, would you believe them?

apparently there are people who would, because this guy told me that almost everyone he told that to believed him... kinda sad.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How much a coach can influence a team like Team India?

I think the emphasis should be given right from the beginning of the childhood where there basics need to be sharpened & not when in adulthood where even countless foreign coaches won't help.

Are you disgusted with the brutality of the Chinese dictatorship in the lead up to the Olympics?

Macres in Tibet, locking up political prisoners, jailing democracy activists, torture... The list of Chinese attrocities goues on. Are you disgusted with all this brutality when the Olympics is supposed to represent humanity and peace?

Farting jokes and cracks in the breakroom.?

I have this disgusting boss that is always talking about farting and stuff like that in my work's breakroom. He has even let one a couple of times. I think this is totally unproffesional and disgusting when people are usually trying to eat. What is worse, he has got to where he asks me if I am the one who let the "latest one." I don't do that in public, nor do I discuss personal business like that. I have to work under this guy a lot of the time, what should I do?

How would you describe Sun, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio?

i do know that the famous actor Leonardo Dicaprio has these signs in him and so does the famous rapper Nelly. im just a little curious of what you might describe them as.

If you win the lotto is at least half of it taken out? would the same be applied to someone who earned it?

As I understand it, in the state if Florida, when you receive more than $5000, you must pick it up in Tallahee, the capitol. The IRS is the next step you take and pay right then. If you were to earn it from an employer, he would take out the taxes immediately and give you a tax form (W2) at the end of the year. So either way, the government gets the taxes.

If the playoffs started today....?

I'm just glad the playoffs aren't starting today. Shaq and Tony Parker aren't ready to face each other in the Finals yet.

Why do parents feel ike they must have "the talk" with thier kids?

to make sure they get the facts right. things we hear on the playground are not always 100% accurate.

Medium Season 6 in the UK?

I live in the UK and watch Medium on LIVING. As far as i know Season 6 will start in September 2010 as it normally always does. Season 6 ends in the US on 21 May 2010 so it won't be until after then. If we are lucky we might get it in July 2010. Lisa Michelle x x lol x x

Who can give me a broker website or phone num. for buying used car from Michigan toronto, Canada?

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I'm printing pictures on transparencies and need help please!?

A few years ago my mother received a keepsake photo ornament as a homemade gift from a friend. Her friend told us how she made them and now I'm trying to make some using what she told me. Supposedly you print your pictures on transparency film, cut out the circles, roll them around a pencil, and drop them into the clear ornament bulb where they snap open to reveal the picture suspended in the center of the bulb. Sounds like a simple process. However, fifteen hours later my picture has not dried on the transparency film so it cannot be cut or rolled to be place inside the bulb. The picture smudges with the slightest of touches. I contacted the lady who made the original ornament and she had nothing to tell me. Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong or if there even is something wrong? *I did purchase transparency film that is specifically for laser printers*

Clinical depression, plain normal temporary sadness, or just hormones? What's with me?

I don't have suicidal thoughts, nor do I self-harm, though I've done those in the past. My sleeping routine's out of whack, completely irregular, e.g. sleeping 13 hours one day and pulling an all-nighter the next day, My appetite's been the same? I don't know. I seldom feel happy, but yeah I do smile and laugh randomly, though not with very much feeling and not for more than 1 minute even. I cry most nights. Not all, but most. I used to be quite happy when I went out with friends but not anymore even. My friends all comment on how listless I look and how quiet I am. Doesn't help that I used to be quite loud. I feel tired, very tired, beyond measure all the time. And no zest for life, can't find much point in living but everyday goes by just like that. Feels like I'm kinda pressed for time with it going by faster than I notice but I don't think of suicide or self-harm though I used to. I get agitated and moody easily like by just reading a friend's blog or a tv show but I never really cry any tears out till I get to my room. No one really knows about me being like this. I just feel numb, dead in some way, physically alive but dead in all humane ways. I won't even say I feel much emotion. Problems and things that used to bother me don't seem to matter anymore. Basically my system's gone mad. I'm 13, if that helps. And I don't know what made me this way so yeah. Sorry about this being so long. Yeah I think it's been more than 2 weeks. But I don't know if it's just me subconciously making myself this way or not, just feels that way a little. Help?


in shakespeares writing theres always and underline meaning of betray. I just don't know how to word my thesis correctly with proof of it. HELP?

What are the chances of me getting cancer?

As a cancer patient, my understanding is that if you've had relatives with certain cancers then you are at increased risk for it. It's not a sure thing, just something to be very watchful for. As for men? I'm a man and there was no history of cancer in my ancestors yet here I am with it. There is so much that is still unknown. What happened with your grandmother is very sad but that was then and the science is a lot better now. You make sure you are routinely screened for the cancer that is worrying you so and even if it does develop, it will be caught very early when it's almost a guarantee you will survive it. Don't waste your young, wonderful years worrying about something that will probably never occur. Get out there and enjoy your life and quit stressing!

2 questions about Sadie Hawkins dance?

well this one girl in one of my cles asked a guy to Sadie's by getting her teacher's permission and getting a balloon with writing on it telling him to pop it, inside there was a note in it that told him to open the shades on the clroom window, there was a sign covering the window that told him to go out side, once he got out side, he saw her standing out side with a sign that just simply siad Sadie's? on it. I thought it was a pretty cute/creative way to ask him to the dance :] i hope this might help or give you an idea :)

How can I get US employers for EB-2(A) Visa from Bangladesh for free?

My Cousin want to immigrate to US. He is a male. He lives in Bangladesh. Where he can get jobs and such kinds of Employers in EB-2(A) visa for free?

Would a propane heater kill bed bugs?

I'm trying to use it to heat the room to at least 140 degrees to kill the bugs.... would it work? We asked an exterminator who said it probably would but has anyone tried it?

What do you think of this part of Obama's speech?

In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination - and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past - are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds - by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations.

Perfection...your opinions? ?

Well I think teens should not strive to be perfect, but I also think that your message is a bit misleading. If I saw that, I think it's just putting everyone down. Of course no one can be perfect, if we were we would have no aspirations! But basically don't strive to be perfect, strive to live up to your aspirations, then you will die knowing you did everything you wanted in life!

How long after a bird has laid eggs will she try to mate again?

also take into consideration that if she continually lays eggs she can subject herself to egg binding (that is where the egg becomes stuck inside her and she is unable to lay them) which go to your local pet store and buy her some artificial eggs they sell them for about 19 cents each a normal healthy bird shouldn't have more than 2 clutches per year any more than that and you will start to run risks of her health

Why do people whose parents are divorced?

get so down and depressed and cynical? i know not all feel this way, but a lot seem to rebel and ones who were once happy and always smiling are now speaking very ugly and never smile...

Whats the best way to clean-disinfect-sanitize porcelain ceramic tiles?

I got porcealin ceramic tiles (20 X 20) in my house. I have a dog that pees on the floors from time to time. I heard white distilled vinegar mixed with hot water is a good option? How many parts vinegar to parts of water? Any suggestions to which chemicals disinfect-sanitize-clean the porcelain ceramic tiles the best?

Where should I buy these? (Easy 10 points!!!)?

The UIrban Decay I have. I had to get mine off of ebay because we dont have anything that carries it around here.

10 points how do you name carbon compounds like alkanes ?

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Whats the most comfortable dance to do w/ a boy?

maybe you should try dancing with your self. or maybe you should have not gone to that stupid dance. you shouldve just brush your teeth or something. just DON'T DANCE if you don't want to.

Does anyone feel that the Al Gore endorsement was not heartfelt?He looked very strained and sounded off beat?

Let's be honest here, how can any one of any credibility support Odumber? Al Gore was probably up all night choking on the vile bile that was caught in his throat.

Does Ozone Food Sterilizer works?

Currently we are using organic Vege Wash to wash all our fruits & vegetables. We are thinking of getting an Ozone Sterilizer if they really work, eg. to remove the wax coatings on apples, etc. We have shorlisted one from the Buffalo brand.

Could some one comment on this please?

this really is aweful. first of all, you say the nazis and the ss men and the gespatio and the and the and the... (ps, i think they're all the same thing... well the ss and nazis are.) then you say it was cold twice. then back then in 1940s, which i'm uming is your setting, they didn't dye your hair, they bleached it, and i'm pretty damn sure that they didnt have color contacts back then. then you say it was amazing. in the 1940s, it wasint amazing, it was darling, or gay, or golly. another thing is that this part it too short. unless your looking for a diary of anne frank thing, which is sorta dumb, because anne lived back then... and what was the point of the hole and the dye and the whole family if she was just going to get discovered anyway. and another thing, the jerold and oma lady will be arrested to for hiding a jew... so...

Been married 5 months and my husband never seems to sleep in our bed,why?

My husband and i have been married 5months and it has been amazing but i have been having a hard time sleeping and i always wake up in the middle of the night because i want to cuddle up with my man but he is never in bed i always find him on the couch or the guest bedroom and i don't understand why i am kind of hurt. I asked him about it and he said he just feels wearied being in bed with someone else and that he can't get comfortable and such. I don't know what to do thats the only really thing that is wrong everything else is perfect. Did you have to deal with this? How did you get your man to come to bed and such? Advice?

Which movies featuring authentic places would inspire a great trip?

I loved the movie Sideways--it showed authentic places (restaurants, wineries) I could actually visit. The Da Vinci Code would also inspire a great trip (not all authentic, but most are authentic). Can anyone think of any other movies that'd make a great trip?

Monday, August 15, 2011

How can I get MS Word to host all internet browsing so that I may get constant word processing when surfing?

I want to use microsoft word processing to give me an editors view of EVERY website. As I surf and type, I want it to correct any and all my typos.

Palmer vs steelers or flacco vs browns?

I have Flacco on my team. He cost me my game this week with that horrible performance, but I say go with him. The Steelers D is starting to rise to the occasion once again and there going to punish Palmer.

Teething help in a two month old.?

What can I do to help my LO? I don't want to give him Oragel yet and he won't take a pacifier And only sometimes a cold washcloth. He really enjoys my finger to bite on. Doctors appointment is on Tuesday. He normally isn't an unsoothable baby... any good tips out there for such a little guy? (it IS teething, i can see the swollen gum in white coloration and feel it in there when he chews on my finger)

About to lose it please help with laptop for sims 3?

Laptops are not great for gaming unless you're able and willing to spend much more than the average. If you can I would find one with Windows XP rather than Vista. Also, make sure the video chip it includes has dedicated memory rather than shared and the site says at least 128MB so 256MB would be better. For RAM don't go less than 3GB.

Jimmy Ellis vs Greg Page, 15 rounds, who wins?

Battle of Louisville.Could Page score an upset over Ellis, or would Ellis win a comfortable decision?

What exactly IS Acne?

I know it is a clogged pore and its hereditary, but I am curious on exactly what causes it, a virus?

How to solve a sceptic paradox?

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Are the Red Sox going to sign Naomi Campbell and Russell Crowe now?

You know, since Manny Ramirez worked out so well for them, maybe these two would build on that dynamic. By dynamic, I mean the intra-organizational brutality that has come to light recently. Campbell and Crowe should fit right in there.

Is $24 too much for this sweater/sweatshirt?

Many people spend over $100 on simple-looking sweaters (ones with just brand names on it). Don't fret over a $24 one. I'd say go for it.

How much vitamin C can an adult ingest in a day?

Any excess vit C is peeed out and the body cqan only take up so much. I suggest eating a few bits of Vit c rich fruit at intervals through the day rather than eating the vit C tablets like lollies

I dont know what religion I am. what religion am I?

Clearly, you're a member of the Huffledorian Magi, who share exactly those beliefs. Not to be confused with the Morpuffish Brotherhood, who have similar beliefs but would never eat pork and seafood at the one sitting. Not for religious reasons as much as they think it's tacky.

How come with city water, they do not distill it before sending it to us.?

natural water supply has things in it that is not good for us. distilling the water lowers these toxins and minerals that are bad for our bodies. could it have anything to do with population control? well what is it then? chlorine is not good for us eather, but do to our water going through a buch of pipes that are old, i can see that the need for killing the bacteria in these pipes as a must do. but isn't crazy that we poison ourselves and lower our life spans and create much pain in our bodies, just for the purpose of getting what we want faster and cheaper. maybe our bodies will one day become immune to the toxins. and the mineral that cling to us and cause health problems, maybe our bodies will find a way to dispose of them properly. they say practice makes perfect and we do evolve continually. so if this is it that we suffer now, so manny generations down the road will not have problems in this area. but we have had this problem for thousands of years, maybe this will not work.....

What is Cee Lo Green's favorite football team?

I noticed that one of his tattoos looks like it could be a Green Bay Packer "G" and I was just wondering if anyone knew if they were his favorite team by any chance or if that was just for the Green part of his name haha.

My first Harley Davidson?

if you have wanted a harley since you were a boy then by all means get one.i too wanted one since my first ride on one when i was like 13.took me over 35 yrs to get one and i love the bike.if you settle for less you will never be happy.the dyna would make a good first harley.high mileage? sporty has 30k on it and still runs strong.dont expect it to run as fast as a sportbike but then thats not what they are built for anymore than a sportbike is built for touring.have fun

Tv signal - signal amplification?

change one connection output to crt over to lcd,if lcd picture is then normal then it must be connection problem.

Who thinks this is strange?

I Know Just What You Mean About The Broadband Ad Darl! It's Just Another Example Along With All The Gay In Prog's Like Torchwood And Shameless. Public Broadcasting Has Gone To The Dogs And Continues A Rapid Down Hill Slide!

Can you shear, milk and butcher all from 1 animal?

Farmgirl gave a great answer. Just sheep? I have never heard of anyone milking a ewe for human consumption though people do drink goat milk. An angora goat would fit the bill

Why have I received mail from the 0crat backed AFL-CIO, when I am not-and would never be a member of it?

The mailings encourage me to support 0crats who are supposed to be for the "working man". Why is this organization sending me mail and who funds said antics?

Do you think our First Lady is overweight?

Wait a minute, maybe she's not a citizen. By comparison, George H.W. Bush had the biggest one in our recent history. Back then, I thought that she was George's grandmother.

I need help!!!?

I really like this girl. but the only cl i had with her was cross-country (co-ed). but now xc is over and we go to are seperate athletics. i have no other cles with her. what should i do.

KeKe Palmer's Hair?

You could sew or glue in tracks. It looks like she used 18 inch hair. You could also use an instant weave in that particular hairstyle for a quick fix. Just put it in behind your hairline and comb the front of your hair over the front of the the instant weave.

Who would you go gay or straight for?

That's a hard one, but simple too. I would go straight for WWE Diva's named Cherry because she is hot like that. Plus I know she awesome. ^__^

My soon to be ex is the co-signer on our truck, can I take it and leave him?

My boyfriend's truck died back in November, went to the dealership with him, and it turned out my credit was better; so on all papers, I am the buyer and he is the co-buyer/co-signer. Can he do anything if I decide to be that aggressive and take the truck when I leave him?

I had a bad reaction to weed i smoked, permanent side effects?

Why would you think it's okay to mix drugs! That's the worst thing you can do. Weed is powerful enough. And it's natural. So if you insist on doing drugs stick to the weed. Coke is real bad for you. Coke can and will leave bad effects on you. Weed will just relax you and give you the munchies. Coke is bad!!

I want to get bloody handprints/ footprints on my porch for halloween?

I can't find anything or anyone that carries things that I could put on the porch... I was thinking of the window clings, but they won't stick...does anyone have any ideas on what I could use? also what is some other things I could do around the house? things scary... put in the yard things like that.

I need a Pittsburgh Steeler shirt before Super Bowl?

My 6 year old son has become obsessed with football and the Steelers this year. I want to get him a shirt for the game but cant find one in the Portland, OR area. Where should i look?

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

like most people with lights and bulbs I like all blue bulbs silver ornaments I like stars and bells but have taken off the bells because I think the stars are more like Jesus and the real meaning and an Angel on top, artificial save the forest

Can manic depressive disorder show up later in life?

I'm in my late forties, and I've struggled with depression all my life. I've never had anything I'd call mania, but the last few months my mood swings have been ridiculous. I'm post menopause, due to hysterectomy, so i don't think it's hormonal. Why am I really happy one day and unable to function the next day?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Need help...Julius Caesar ination news article? Please read? 10 points best question!?

That actually sounds to me like a pretty cool project; better than some at least. Most newspaper articles aren't written by people that were on the scene, especially for murders. I would write it from the perspective of someone finding out the day after. That way too you can talk about the funeral and Antonius's and Brutus's funeral speeches (protip: look at Act 3 of Shakespeares Julius Caesar). You'll probably also be somewhat biased against the conspirators, since Caesar was quite popular in Rome at the time of his death. Here's a link to Seutonius's description of the ination. Good luck!

Why is it okay to eat pigs, but not dogs.?

The best answer I can give you out of the top of my head is a pig is a domesticated FARM animal, whereas dogs are pets. There are many people out there who wouldn't eat a pig either, and sadly many who think eating dogs is perfectly acceptable. However, in most civilised societies, this habit isn't. And I would add that we slaughter farm animals humanely (usually!) whereas dogs for eating are killed in the most horrific ways imaginable.

He Broke Up With Me Still Acts Regular But when I Bring it up He Acts Wierd Again...?

He broke up with and said its not because of you its me u deserve better and he hates himself. He was stressed out from fam and school ect. After the break up he still calls the same says i love you he doesnt wont to mention the words i miss u! but we see each other everyday and i feel we both put on major fronts! anywho we act as if we still go out nothing changes! he always tries to pull me closer wants me to kiss him hug him cuddle play fight ect. (we even going to prom) 2 mnths from now ..he tells me he loves me all the time i dont even bring it up ! he says move on but when i do he gets mad! i told him recently he has until grad to fig if he wants to be with me.. he said ok.. i dont understand why he cant be with me if its the same.. so last night i told him he is cut off until he get his ish together... SN: We dated 2 years 8 mnths... is he confused? tryna focus on him b4 he handles me? or what?

Can I use a Blackberry's PDA functions without having to pay for phone service?

I just need a PDA to take a note. Can I buy an used blackberry on ebay, and use it as PDA without any phone service, and UBS synch with PC?

Hereditary Wicca or not?

My aunt Buffy is Wiccan and told me and my cousin Jim that grandpa (from dad's side) was Wiccan when he was alive. Also, my lil' cousin Jesse started practicing the Craft, and as for Jimmy, he's not Wiccan but is more interested in how to raise/conjure energy. Not all of my dad's family is Pagan, just the ones I had mentioned and, of course, I'm Wiccan as well. Now i know that hereditary has nothing to do with why i'm Wiccan, for religion is more of an individual, personal choice. Yet I find it funny how some from my dad's side are more inclined to Paganism or the practice of magic. What do you guys think?

Why am i only quiet around them???!?

You probably feel like you can't relate to them. They're not very different from you no matter how well-known they are, just ask questions and see what you both like. And if they judge you for what you say, I promise you they're not worth being friends with.

Would EMG PJ-X Active B Pickup Set sound good on a squier p b for a good metal sound?

i'm planning on buying these for my p-b because i want a good metal sound without having to spend 800 dollars on a new fender b, and i'm sure fender and squier are the same things but with different pickups. so please respond

Does anyone else agree that all the Starship Troopers movies are 100% propaganda?

I feel (the first movie at least) are a parody of the Propaganda Films of Lore, just thrown together with Robocop Levels of Dark Humor. Now, as said above, the book actually goes out heavy with the whole Citizen-Civilian stuff

What causes random mosquito-looking bumps on a person, they itch worse than anything imaginable?

For the past 7 weeks, mosquito-looking bites have popped up all over me, ranging from my feet to my elbows, to my back, my neck, etc. I have been to 4 different doctors and at first I was told they were mosquito bites, then maybe scabies(which I knew it definately wasnt) and then recently, eczema. I know what eczema is and what I have is not eczema. It looks like mosquito bites that can be as big as my thumbnail! The itch like crazy and stay for like a week, then go away and reappear somewhere else. If anyone has any clue what this could be, it would be reallly appreciative since 4 doctors cannot reach a consensus on what it is. Thanks!

Can you wear Ugg Boots in the snow?

Hi i'm using my brother's Yahoo account so i am female don't worry! i went to switzerland on a skiing holiday and wore my uggs everyday and they are still as good as new, although you must buy the Ugg protection spray, which basically stops your the suede on your uggs from getting damaged you can buy it on ebay or the ugg site, so when you get water droplets on your uggs, the suede doesn't absorb them, instead the water just runs off your boot, it's excellent. Just remember too spray your boots once a month depending on how often you use them. :)

10 Points for Plagiarism?

Do you __have__ to give credit to author if you paraphrase or summarize their text/quotation? I understand the fairness in doing so, but is it really necessary?

Do democrats care about seperation of powers anymore?

Doesn't matter, lower income people and immigrants seem to be more inportant then the actual working cl of America!

What is the best school district for middle schools in the San francisco area?

I am looking for onr comparable to Claremont School District.Not the Clairemont in san Diego but the Claremont that is home to CGU,harvey Mudd scripps university and pomona college

Dennis Kucinich on global warming?

All of the Democratic presidential candidates have global warming plans. You can see their plans at the link below, as well as interviews with them about environmental issues.

Do you think we'll ever be together?

.I think he likes you.Now you should ask him to exchange contact numbers with you.So during the Winter break you can say hi

Am i being a pushover?

Why does he know that you won't break up with him? He should know that he has to treat you like a queen or else you will find someone that does.

In mitosis, when is DNA replicated?

Interphase: Cells may appear inactive during this stage, but they are quite the opposite. This is the longest period of the complete cell cycle during which DNA replicates, the centrioles divide, and proteins are actively produced. For a complete description of the events during Interphase, read about the Cell Cycle.

Was she being friendly? or does she like me?

Awww :). Sounds like a crush. And a connection. I think she likes you. If she is doing all of this already then i think you should ask her for her info. And then one day when you feel most compelled in your heart, then tell her how you feel. Dont mention the things your insecure about(like your weight) because she obviously doesnt care about that. So you shouldnt. Move on from that. If you haven't seen her then talk to her mom and politley tell her that your concerned that she isn't coming. Ask the mom if she is ok. Moms are smart so dont try to be sneaky, just simply ask if everything is ok with her. If the mom gives you an answer then prepare yourself for the next time you will see her. If not, hope that she comes back soon so you can tell her. Dont be afraid love. Good Luck :)

What size/type of stall or torque converter do we need?

My husband has a 1966 Plymouth Belvedere II. It has a 383 with an automatic 727 trans. We do not know what size cam it has but at an idle it wants to stall and it doesnt have the pickup that a big block should have. I just need to know what to get so he can install it. If you could post links I would appreciate it.

A figure of speech can be any of the following except?

Facts. A figure of speech does not refer to facts, it is simply an alternative way of describing something in a non literal way.

Any SLOW, pretty, love songs? whether it be love or heartbreak.?

there is this song from one of the harry potter movies, called magic works by knightsbridge, and its pretty good.

Is it possible to still have periods and b pregnant?

My periods have bn unusual as of late what i mean is irregular and lighter than normal.. The last time i had is 10 weeks ago. I have a funny taste in my mouth the last week and keep getting tummy fluttering / twitches on one side of my tummy. I have taken some tests and are negative. So hence can you still have periods and be pregnant??

Where Can I Download The Sims 2?

i think you shouldn't download illegally, i recommend you to buy the game legally.... so the producers can get the money for what they deserve.... i mean come on think yourself.... if you made a game.... and people download illegally and you don't get any money... how bad would that make you feel

How can I stop being jealous of others?

I am an eighteen year old professional ballet dancer and I have struggled with jealousy and a lack of self-confidence my whole life. Every time one of my friends has some kind of an achievement, especially in dance, I become depressed with myself and my own life. I also become angry that the other person is more successful than I am and I try to do everything in my power to undermine their achievements. For example, one of my best friends is in a contest to be on the cover of a magazine, and today she came into school and wrote the name of the website where to vote for her on the board in one of our cles. I instantly stood up to write the name of another girl (who goes to my dance studio and is also in the competition) that people should vote for too. My friend became so angry and started yelling at me about how if I was a sincere friend I wouldn't try to solicit votes for others. She also stopped talking to me. Honestly, the only reason why I did that was because I don't want her to win. I dont want people in my school to think that she is somehow better than me. There was also a talent show today and me and that girl (her name is Angela) both did ballet routines. Although I am a better dancer than Angela (I have won competitions while she has not), for some reason she won first place while I won third. I think my stage presence when I danced may have been worse than Angela's due to the stressful day I was facing. When I came home today I cried for half an hour because now people in my school believe that she is a better dancer than me. Although I know that is not true, I wanted to prove my superior dancing skills to my peers and teachers and I am miserable because I wasn't able to do that. I feel like my jealousy is ruining my life. Are there any tips for having a high self-esteem that will allow me to stop focusing on the accomplishments of others? Thank you in advance for any replies.

Need some creative cake decorating designs?

Why not lead up to it and buy some cloth diapers (cheap ones) and put a napkin ring through them and use them as napkins? I have to say the idea of eating a blue cake is kind of offputting...something about blue food is very unappetizing. I would say think of little things you can do to leave "hints" to the family so by the time you serve the cake everyone will already know. You can go to a dollar store and check out baby items you can leave around or use to serve things to give your family the idea you are expecting. Perhaps buy some inexpensive sippy cups and serve their drinks in that...I don't know...just throwing out some ideas to hopefully inspire some ideas of your own...The cake itself can be a regular cake but maybe something like a stork cake topper or something along those lines. You can go to a cake decorating supply store or craft store and see what they have...there are baby bootie candles, pink & blue plastic diaper pins, baby bottles, etc. that you can arrange on the top of the cake.

How do I stop developing feelings for someone or how do I lessen the intensity?

There is no easy answer I think some one can give you, it hurts to see the quality's of a guy in someone you know you may never see after graduation I would advise you to just enjoy the time you have left as friends and cherish the memories. once you get to college and and your settle in your dorm or apartment you will make many new friends and meet guys that have the same quality's he had but you have to be open to giving them a chance you cant dwell on i wish it was "him" he was brought in your life momentarily for a reason.

Clic Rock Vs. Modern Rock?

The clic rock you named like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, and GNR are the more mainstream bands of that era. Just like garbage like Nickelback, Daughtry, and Creed are mainstream modern rock. There is no comparison there clic rock wins, but some of the modern rock bands you mentioned are kind of indie so a lot of people have never heard of them. Not everyone has heard of Wilco or The Black Keys so that is what they are basing their judgments on. As far as my personal tastes I like clic rock as well as bands like Lucero, Glossary, The Drive-By Truckers, and The Dexateens which are all newer bands. So basically it's just that most people don't really search for the good music they just listen to whatever plays on the radio and call it good.

Nixon '08. Say What?

it's a joke. They are saying they would rather have nixon than our current choices. In 00 There was a joke, Nixon, hes tanned, rested and ready. Meaning they'd rather have nixon. He was not a bad guy. Watergate was not nearly as bad as stuff the democrats have done. I see Obama copying a lot of Nixon actually.

~I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! POPTART !!!!!!!!!!~?

I plan on seducing a pop tart. How should I go about this? What flavor should I choose? How would i go about turning it on? Please help me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are the philosophers of the enlightenment still relevant in postmodern philosophy?

I heard somewhere that ytic philosophy was the death of almost all philosophical traditions up to that point, so I am wondering if studying Kant would be as relevant and/or important as studying, say, a twentieth century philosopher? (if you're more interested in getting down to the truth of matters and not the history of the subject)

98 dodge neon air conditioning does not work whats wrong?

my dodge/plymouth neon ac stopped working. the compressor clicks on and off every 2 seconds. i checked the freon pressure it read 100 psi I knew this was wrong so i dropped it to 0 and refilled it with better freon. but that did not work. it is 105'F out and im sweating .

Why is Leondnard De Vinci so boring?

Why is Leondnard De Vinci so boring? I mean, why is the Mona Lisa so big? It is a woman! I mean, how meny pictures are there of women in this world? 100,000? 900,000?

Can ya please help)i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

quit playing the "hey what's up game" and ask her on a date! That's how you get to know someone man. She seems fairly interested and when she says she doesn't know you, it means you should ask her out and get to know her! Take her out to a romantic dinner and bring a rose and talk about each others interests.

Does he like me? i just don't know??

Awww he does like you! and u definitely like him! the way u notice everything eh lol I think he is still waiting for the right moment to ask you out, maybe its this house party where he wants to make his move :) hope my answer has helped! take care, good luck x

Of all the counties in the state of Illinois, which applies to the city of chicago?

Yup, Cook County. The entire city (and like the first poster said, some of the suburbs --- but not all of the suburbs) is in Cook County.

PLease tell me wat you think of my lyrics>???????????????????????…

i like it it is good it makes sense i hope your dad really see's the true side of that woman so good luck to your dad and great song keep on writing from the heart i like the song

I am a Redhead and thinking of working in Kuwait as a civilian contractor. Will I have any trouble?

Are there any cultural or religious beliefs that might cause me to receive unwanted attention? I am used to getting lots of attention but I can handle the average American male. Some cultures equate Redheads with the devil and as you can imagine, that would be bad!

Why does my ex best friend want to ruin my life now and is she wrong or what!?

i mean to the extent of saying i have stds and im a drug addict! i mean real low LOW stuff. and more perplexing is that shes the one whith -ish dirt that i could tell, but apparently that doesnt matter to a stone cold liar if she can out-lie her way. some people have told me she is very jealous, and also that people like that would rather show you some pain and go down in flames than to be forgotten quietly. can you tell me why someone does this? instead of just being like "ok, were parting ways, farewell"?

Tru or false. Spiderman 3: one of the worst movies ever?

The Sandman is revealed as a weepy creepy dork who begs forgiveness with teary eyes from another equally teary eyed Peter Parker; the Green Goblin character is ruined by turning him over to the "good guys", and the most fascinating charactor, Venom - (magnificently portrayed by Toper Grace, who knew?) gets killed off after a 10 minute appearance. Plus, Venom/Parker gets to boogey in the middle of the street and reminded me more of Johnny Bravo than Spiderman, and Mary Jane Bores us twice with her voice. No worthy soundtrack. I had more fun watching Gargamel chasing smurfs.

Is the period to signify abbreiviation necessary in this situation?

No, abbreviations of degree titles (MD, PhD) are correct with or without the punctuation--as long as you do it consistently.

Why feed living, feeling animals to a snake when you can more conveniently feed already dead food?

Well done to you and I am in COMPLETE and TOTAL agreement with everything you say. You have obviously researched this topic in depth, as have I, and I would recommend the site below - which agrees with us. Good luck and enjoy your snake.

Who's more psychotic to you: Heath Ledger's Joker, or ......

haha, i think the joker was a wee bit more sane, not much more sane but a little. hah heath was a freak in that movie though! but he said the cutest things like: "how many of your friends did i kill" other guy- "six" heath- "siixxx?!" in a cute whisper! hahahahha hiarious.

What is this happening in Media ?

I too feel so.We can not blame Muslims for this.It is our Government who is encouraging anti Hindu feelings in the name of secularism.At the same time,strict action is initiated against Hindus even for funny comments against Muslims.

Is there something wrong with this?

Well it's not improper if she's just spending time with him and talking to him, like friends do. It isn't weird for a young person to be friends with an old person. Unless you see really weird behavior coming from one of them, I think you're fine.

Constant headaches early in second trimester?

I'm almost 15 weeks and early in the first trimester I had headaches, but I feel like they are actually getting worse. They feel almost sinus related; a lot of pain/pressure between my eyes and forehead. Sometimes I also feel it in my neck. At their worst I feel a bit dizzy and nauseous, and they don't seem to go away after a night's sleep. Anyone else experience these, or have any advice? Does this sound normal? At my last appointment my midwife noticed that my blood sugar was low, so I've been working to increase my OJ, milk and foods that will bring that up...are the headaches possibly related? Thank you!

Would you like Booker T to wrestle actively again?

After seeing their match last night, I saw that Booker T is still good in the ring, and still has wrestling potential since he isn't very old yet, and little injuries.


its possible to get tan, but it depends on ur position towards the sun, and its usually not very strong at six cuz its setting. and no, those types of swimsuits dont break easily. i have one that like hooks in the back sort of and its stays put more than the top where you tie it! so dont worry about it :]

I need help for a school project?

How about making a wedding book? You know, with sample wedding dresses, some photographer's ads, pictures of cakes, etc.

How's this 10 team FF team look?

I hope you didn't bet any money on that team...... And i'd tell people that them pics were auto draft instead of live draft.... If by chance you had a live draft, them try fantasy tennis......... You might do better there!!!!!

Who went to x fest in indy yesterday?

Buddy, this is the Formula 1 motor racing section! I don't know what you're on about but you may have more luck with answers posting in another section.

Time release fish food? Betta Fish!?

DO not get time released feeders. In a proper tank they foul the water and kill fish. Imagine what it would do in your bowl. Most fish either eat them in a matter of hours or they ignore them completely. Vacation feeders are a TERRIBLE way to feed while you're gone. Especially in small "tanks". They will be fine without food for a week.

BEST drugstore foundation for dry skin (that doesn't clog pores)?

I would go for Neutrogina. It's noncomedogenic, so it won't clog your pores. For dry skin, you might want to try a really good moisturizer.

Which NBA Star Can Cleveland Get To Replace LeBron?

The Cavs are between a rock and a hard place. With LeBron gone, nobody wants to play in that small of a market in Cleveland. CP3 and Melo both have interests playing in New York with Stoudemire. Joe Johnson and Rudy Gay are staying put, without them the Hawks and Grizzlies aren't even playoff teams. I have no idea what Dan gilbert will do, but their best bet is probably landing Richard Jefferson or Josh Howard. I also heard that the Warriors might trade Monta Ellis and some expirings for Danny Granger because they need a PG and think Monta can run the team. Imagine if we had Steph, Granger, and Lee.

Iam having trouble with punnet squares and genetics. Which is dominant / recessive between albino and normal?

this is for 9th grade biology. Also if you can help in addition to my question: If there are 2 people, an albino person and a normal person what would their genotypes and phenotypes be?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Please comment a new poem of mine it would make me very very happy.?

You just took my soul and tore it from my body, made me feel what I've never felt before. I'm sure that's what I've thought about someone before, but you put pure poetry to it. Thanks for a show of excellent poetry!

Question from the movie "hairspray" ??

The producers wanted to capitalize on the humor of having Travola play a woman. Simple as that. It wouldn't have been as funny without it, because the whole thing was absurd and thus amusing.

Best Bronzer to give a nice healthy glow?

i have medium to dark skin and was wondering what is the best bronzer for me? i want to illuminate my skin. is the new l'oreal one any good and can you please let me know a u.k based companyso i can get it easily. detailed answer will help thank-you x

Can you help me rewrite something from Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn?

no offence but if a teacher gave you that its a really stupid idea. huckleberry finn is a clic and the dialect is realistic the way its written!

Good farewell gift for a chief officer?

Maybe a picture of the team would be a nice idea with a nice bottle of port or wine so that he can always have the memory of the company with him.

Acceptance to the University of Oregon?

i really dont have a great grasp on that school, but it looks like youre probably fine. you have a great list of ecs and your gpa for this year is where they asked, so it seems like youre chances of getting in are likely

How's my story so far?

please finish it and send it to me. i really really really liked it. it makes me want more. can u finish and email me? its thanks

HELP with this physics/chem question please?

An element is defined by the number of protons it has. Any atom with 6 protons is carbon regardless of how many neutrons it has. Different isotopes of carbon have different numbers of neutrons, but they will always have 6 protons. An atom that has 5 protons is a boron molecule.

I have to do an essay on this..and i dont want to watch the movie and yze so maybe someone's seen it?

I'm not going to do the research for you, but I will let you in on a little secret. I managed to do an entire film cl (with critiques and plot summaries) without actually watching a single film. If you google you will find it.

Got any more gossip anyone?

I saw the girl who lives in my village, and whose husband is away, take her dog for a walk over the field behind my house. She met the pub landlord, and they had a snog behind the hedge. Can't wait to tell my friend....

Can a 16 week sonogram to find out the be wrong?

i went yesterday to get a 16 week scan to find out the gender of my baby (for fun) and the tech said it was a girl. the reason why she said it was a girl was bc her legs were wide open and there was nothing floating in between lol BUT i didnt see the 3 lines your suppose to see. i mean w.e the is is fine (even though i alread have a baby girl) but hmmmm i mean they told me it was a girl but for some reason i feel like its not confirmed haha. Has anyone done an early scan and then found out at your 20 week that they told you the wrong ?

British people, do you find it offensive when people say "Brit"?

I am watching a youtube video right now by an American living in the UK and he is talking about the UK gun laws and censorship. He isnt saying anything bad about the British people but he says "Brits"

What Are You Most Excited About Coming In The New Year?

Well, I'm looking forward to attending the upcoming t-wayne concert, completing my first year in college, visiting my new baby nephew this spring, my family reunion out of state this summer, and hopefully being blessed to live another year.

What do you think of these names?

I love Jane and I like Nancy and Mary. It would be refreshing to see any of those on a child nowadays.

Why do women always get the goriest deaths in horror flicks ?

Because when a guy screams is not as ... "Awww poor guy!" as it is when a girl screams... "Aww poor girl..."... Human mentality.

I may appear to dislike the republicans can you forgive me?

I just feel saddened by all the hate on here and Obama hasnt even gotten into office and there is nothing but ignorant racist comments on here.

Which is the faster processor?

For general stuff the first one is faster but for gaming the second is way faster. For sims 3 i would go for the second

Lockerz shipping help?

I bought with points a lockerz shirt and Nixon watch that were both place on the same order they sent me a conformation email and said your things have been shipped and the email came around 12 in the after noon the weird part is that they only gave me one tracking number but my Nixon watch sent on the 13th but my Lockerz shirt was sent on the 12th they sent me only one tracking number and I already recieved my shirt yesterday in a plastic bag and my Nixon watch did not come and the UPS man just ped today and my watch still was not here I tried contacting lockerz but they never reply. I need help and do yall think lockerz just ripped me off or not and did this ever happen to you?

Preparing for Baby... recipe ideas?

Ratatouille and/or a chunky generic tomato-based sauce. You can serve ratatouille with almost anything; pasta, rice, mashed or baked spuds, or bread. Fill it with lots of your fave veggies so that you're getting all the nutrition you'll need. plus tomato dishes freeze really well and actually get better over time even in the freezer. Top it with cheese and you're good to go. Vegetarian too!

Can I get some help with similes?

I have some homework for my English cl, we're writing similes. Most of them were easy. My favorite so far is probably 'Soda is like a bunch of Altos, if you leave them alone for long enough, they'll be flat.' And by the way, I sing Alto, so I know from experience. Anyway, I've been trying to think of a simile for 'The letter Z is like...' and I just haven't come up with one. Any ideas? Please? Thank you. Good bye.

Dont they know that because we killed osama the his group of terrorist will attack?

these guys was trained by a master mind mind genius he has thousands of followers they are trained and equipped and determined,it never mattered if he died he wasnt the one doing the bombing or putting his self out there to die,we should have killled alkita or (however you spell it) those are the ones carrying the plan out but its good hes dead i guess great wope,well atleast obama can get credit since he was the president at this time of triumph,thats just my personal view

Sit or start Jets D against Pats D?

I have Jets D and can't decide whether I should start or sit them against the pats. Pros: Jets have best p D, and Pats have no rushing game/ 12 points from jets last week against good team/ they score defensive touchdowns. Cons: I don't have another D on my bench (raiders, Broncos, browns, texans, patriots, chargers, colts, buccs,redskins, falcons, titans, rams, cardinals, seahawks, Giants D all available) I would have to drop someone/ and of course tom brady is a boss

Manny and Ortiz on Mitchell's report for using Roids ? Does this mean the Red Sox WS were tainted ? Cheaters!!?

They based the yankees saying they roided and now this. See how it comes back to bit them in the azz ???? Red Sox fans have found a way to shove their foot in their mouth..

Can I use co2 gas in a green gas airsoft magazine?

My dad doesn't want me to use propane or green gas in my airsoft guns but I want a gas blowback. I was wondering if I could just buy one of those co2 cans they have for paintballing and get an adapter for it and put the co2 in a gas magazine.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The antichrist will try to make everyone bear "the mark", but...?

I'm not saying 666 is not the mark of the beast and 777 is a bad number, but if the antichrist will claim to be God/Jesus Christ, wouldn't he try to convince people he's "777" and make people accept 777 as the mark or would he hate Jesus and 777 so bad that he gives himself away with 666? Why would he do that when everyone knows 666 is a bad number? (Or 616, or whatever number it is...)

Poll: Indiana Jones series vs. The Terminator series?

I think I would lean toward Terminator. I like Indiana Jones, but I don't love those movies. Of the eight movies between the two franchises, I think The Terminator (the original movie) is the best.

Dating different cultures and confused?

could the fact that i have children already make a malaysian chinese man think that im a prostitue as im not married and never have been as they believe in marrage before and children?

What is California's Proposition 8?

A law instituting marriage as between a man and a woman. The reason why it is such a controversy is because this excludes gay couples from marrying by defining marriage under these terms.

Ares Question!!!?

I downloaded ares it connected to the internet right away,but when i look for the sims it takes a long time,is that usuall?is it suppose to take a while, one last question can i download any of THE SIMS games on ares?THANK YOU!

What type of oil does a 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager use?

I recently bought a 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager but I can't find anywhere that says what kind of oil it takes. I don't have an owner's manual and it doesn't say on the engine.

Why not a narco test for Jagdeesh Tytler and Sonia Gandhi?

Amidst the demand of a narco test for Narendra Modi by Shankar Singh Waghela, I would like to ask the people why not demand a test for Jagdeesh Tytler in case of m sikh killings in 1984 and Sonia Gandhi to find the facts of her much talked about relations with Quattrochi ? and it should be on a "First in First out" basis.

Someone keeps behind the wall, what should I do?

When I look out of my kitchen window I very often see someone behind the wall across the way that leads to a public footpath. They are looking right at my house and when I open the front door they disappear presumably up the path and away. This has happened several times in past week and is becoming most unsettling. Is this a Police matter or would it be perceived as 'too trivial' ?

Trying out for American Idol style show. Should I wear gles to audition or not? Is my face enough for TV?

You could get like a makeover or change your look up just talk to a beautician or something. But not too crazy notice how adam lambert at his audition is way different than adam lambert now

Up Keep POll: How often should you sharpen your forks?

I was noticing tonight while eating a salad, that the fork was really hard to stab through the lettuce.

About artist paula rego what do you think about this paining give me your opinion plz ?

I looked at the painting and it was disturbing if anything. I would never would want to own anything like that. When I say disturbing, I mean it in not a good way. This painting did not make me think about it;s meaning but it was just unpleasant to look at. The composition and color. I think that art at certain time in our history was taken over by people that don't know how to translate their ideas to 2D medium, and that is one example of it.

How should I let him know that I'm interested?

In situations like this, you should be cool and calm, and talk to him. If he stares at you all the time, you can tell he's interested, so you might as well talk to him. Take action, because nothing's going to happen if you don't take action. You should really just get up the courage to go talk to him. If and when you do, you should act really calm, and just be an overall nice person. Make friends with him. Don't get too nervous.

In Spore Galactic Adventures the complexity of my creature keeps me from adding any weapons for the adventures?

I have a large creature, and it has a high complexity which is preventing me from adding ANY parts for the galactic adventure phase. It is frustrating, I tried the freedom complexity cheat in the quick play menu, and it said "The freedom cheat can only be run from within the non-game editors", o geez I am unfortunately not understanding that. I really like playing and wish to solve this. Thanks

Have the Jonas Brothers "outsold Kelly Clarkson" yet?

Yes, by a LOT. Kelly Clarkson signed a deal for American Idol, a 7 or 8 year contract. They no longer own Kelly Clarkson, and she now doesn't have any record company. The Jonas Brothers, though, are in the hot spot of their careers, adoring fans, tours, the whole shabungo. While the Jonas Brothers heat up, Kelly Clarkson gradually falls.

Steering wheel for pc?

Hi. You can try to download the drivers from the manufacturer's websit if they have one. Other wise find a friend with both a floppy and a USB port and copy the disk to USB.

What should ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels be for African Cichlids?

We just tested these 3 things for the first time. Our nitrate level was 40, our nitrite level was 0, and ammonia was about .10 if that. What level should these three be at? Our tank is 70-80 gallons. The fish we have are: blue zebra, yellow lab, Mel. Auratus, jewel, hap 44, hap comprisceps (if that even matters).

Need help with a filter choice?

AquaClears have three stage filtration (ceramic, sponge and carbon) I love mine. You could get one rated for a 70 and I think you'd be good to go, I'd think (and they are reasonably quiet). OR you could go canister, but those are a couple hundred bucks.

Your opinon on this? New rule in my highschool regarding teen pregnacy?

My school (not the district) just implanted a new rule. When a girl is pregnant, and "showing" she will be moved from our school, and put into another building either the AIM building (for kids who have disciplinary problems..such as failing, skipping cl, constantly late..) or Dexter (for the severe disciplinary problems.. such as constant fighting, offensive behavior, etc) The kids in those schools have cles of five - ten students to a cl room, so they get more attention to deter behavior, great idea. But i'm kind of on the fence about adding pregnant teens to these schools. I understand the school not wanting to show a "bad image", or show that it is "acceptable" but, should the girls be punished for deciding not to abort their children, and carry to full term? Not so sure. Any thoughts, im on the fence about this one.

How do you go about evaluating the following improper intgral? INT from -pi/2 to 0 (e^tanx/cos^2x)dx?

I Know that i have to use the lim as a approaches -pi/2, and that cos^2can be written as sec^2, but im not sure what to do next

People want an Adam & Eve wedding. Now what?

Are they supposed to wear fig leaves and, if so, where do they get them? Do we need to worry about the sap? Need to know asap, no pun intended...

Quick music question (which songs)??

The first one is called "Music is my hot hot " by Cansei de ser y. The second is called Hold on by Korn.

Kissing in public at this level, Has anyone seen or done? ?

You are extremely disrespectful if you do that in school. All those people who don't say anything are probably just keeping quiet because they figure you are too clueless to listen. It is inappropriate and stupid, to say nothing of your not caring about ruining your girlfriend's reputation. Boys can get away with it more easily than girls, but you are still throwing away the chance to have anyone ever take you seriously.

Where can i learn to draw sasuke?

I love to watch Naruto, my favorite character is sasuke i would like to know where i can find printable tutorials on how to draw him or just any way to find how to draw him. I like all the characters 2 thanks!

Why are so many people still saying the Rays are almost as good as the Yankees?

I think I could see the Rays pulling off at least 80 wins. They still have a pretty solid overall team. But they are not going to compete with the yankees IMO. The cubs I think will be a surprise contender in what should be one of the most improved, interesting, and tight divisions in baseball in 2011.

Is it better to get metal braces (regular) or clear invisible braces for overlapping teeth?

My granddaughter is 12 and she still has a few baby teeth. They are molars. Her teeth are starting to overlap in the front, and we are not sure what kind of braces she should get. Does she have to wait until she looses all her of her teeth? And will the invisible or metal braces work better?

What are your thoughts on the deterioration of chat rooms?

I agree with you 100%. There used to be good chat rooms where people could simply get together and ... chat. It's now tending to be all about and honest chat rooms where a person only wanted some friendly chat seem to be rapidly disappearing. Truly unfortunate.

So Sheamus can get the WWE Championship but Shelton can't?

WWE someday are gonna wish they did more with this guy hes probably the most talented and greatest athlete in all of WWE today and would smash Sheamus anyday and they never have given him a world title. Once he gets released (It will be soon he got put on ECW) TNA will buy him and use him as a top star and WWE will be regreting the day they released him. Do you agree if you dont take a look at some ladder matches that hes been in.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why as the euro-lotto added 2 more numbers on the stars ie; [10,11].?

This as made the chances of winning from 76,000,000 to 1 to 110,000,000 to 1 & also why is it we have no say to buy the 1,000,000 pound raffle.


ok i just bought a 10g fish tank and i felled it with tap water/sink water is that ok!!! don't i have to buy a liquid...

Why do you blame the victims in war?

Explain the gaza war crimes or the lebanese war crimes committed by Israel to the Muslims. Not only that there are thousands of Christians in Lebanon

Milk ingredients causes acne?

i was wondering since milk can cause acne, what about snacks that say they have milk ingredients? like those in the all bran bars, ritz cheese biscuits, and what about yogurt?

Is there a way to get whiteout correction fluid off of a fleece blanket?

I am wondering how to get whiteout correction fluid off of a fleece blanket that I have without damaging the blanket or having to put it through multiple washes.

Consider the folowing reaction:2Na(s) + Cl2(g) --> 2NaCl(s), DH=-821.8 kJ?

821.8 KJ would be absorbed with 2 moles. Should be easy to calculate how much energy is related to 2.2 moles

College sororities??

whats the point of joining one???? and what do you do also do people always have to go through hazing?

How long should it take to get this refund..military?

I am a military spouse and we just recently moved into new housing b/c our old housing is set up for demo. This was a forced move and we had the option of moving ourselves and getting $1500 in lieu of our rent for the first month or they would pay movers to move our stuff for free. We chose to do the move yourself and get the money. I was just wondering how long it should take to get our $1500. They have ALREADY received our rent 15 days ago and our saying it will take 30 days to get our refund?? How can this be? On the paper they gave us it said payable within 30 days but when I call they say up to 45 days? It should only take a few days to process and mail the check!

Vista Instalation Unsucessful?

When I Try to install windows vista home premium on my pc, it gets almost complete and restarts. It says the message windows failed to start ndisrd.sys missing or corrupt and displays the error code 0xc0000098. Any Ideas? I have all the minimum requirements for vista and I am using a external DVD Drive. I am 11 years old and I got vista for my birthday and mum and step dad has just spent alot of money on it and i am really upset, so please could you help me.

Can my fellow HP fans stop asking Harry Potter related questions as it might cause me to go crazy?

I actually love the fact that people keep asking questions about Harry Potter. It makes me want to read the book more!! The good news is, only 8 days left!!! :)

What is the percentage of the population born as s?

I was told that Jamie Lee Curtis was one. How many are born in a year and is it a good idea to wait until puberty when one or the other ual inclination develops as stronger?

My friends are at my house and not playing with me........?

Ok so last night three of my friends had a sleepover with me last night cause it was my b day. And the whole day they have ben at my house jumping on my tramp. And hangging out with out me! I am crying my eyes out right now cause thouse are my three best friends. I dont know what to do should I stop being there friends? Help!!!

RNA AND DNA! :] help?

RNA stands for ribonucleic acid, where as DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. The "ribo" refers to the ribose sugar molecule that is found in each nucleotide, the "deoxy" refers to the fact that DNA is missing an oxygen molecule in it's ribose. RNA is singles stranded whereas DNA is double stranded. DNA is used as the genetic material in nearly all organisms (some viruses use RNA as their genetic material), the genetic material is what is replicated and ped on in cell multiplication (mitosis) and ual reproduction. RNA is used for several purposes. A section of genetic code found in DNA is transcribed into a strand of RNA which is translated into a polypeptide (chain of amino acids) with the help of tRNA (transfer RNA which transports amino acids) and rRNA (ribosomal RNA which makes of a subunit of the ribosome).

What are some good bands like the beatles?

My favorite bands are the Beatles, The Killers, U2, Coldplay. I like Elton John, John Lennon, John Mayer. What are some good bands like them?

Why are Americans so backwards?

I had to rephrase a previous question. I am an American. I love it, but I hate the fact that some Americans live in the Medievil times. God is as real as Santa. Get over it. Embrase science so are kids can excel further in this world and stop laging behind because you think the world was created in Seven days.

Whats with people getting tattoos these days?

I think it's a rise in the appreciation of Asian Culture amongst a few rock stars, actors, actresses, & sports athletes. And then it just became the cool thing to do. I mean just take basketball. Just about none of the NBA players had tattoos until Rodman & Iverson came along. Now probably 60% of the players have a visible tattoo. And many of them are covered in tattoos.

What do you do when you come in contact with a alligator?

You go away quickly. If this contact involves suddenly being in the alligator's mouth, you should hit in on the nose as hard as you can. It might let go.

I will not be able to feed, is there any financial support that I might be able to get? (UK)?

Tescos dont, but Somerfield do. You can also use them to buy milk off ur milk man, and use your milk money at Tescos.

HP pavilion a1310n wont load windows?

My hp pavilion wont run windows at all. I turn it on it shows the blue hp screen then it goes to a black screen giving me the option to run windows in Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe mode with Command Prompt, Last Known Configuration, or to start windows normally. But i clicked on all of them and none of them load. When i click Safe mode, sfafe mode with networking, and safemode with command prompt it loads and says multi(0)disk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS\Syst… 32\Drivers\ and then after drivers\ the names are different but they all stop at Drivers\Mup.sys . When i try to load windows normally or with last known configuration, it just restarts the computer and it does the same thing all over again. I cant do anything... does anyone know how to fix this?

How do I stop my addiction for watching ?

I live with my mom and temparely with my syster and her husband and they cought and if they find me agin surfing for it theyll tell my dad witch will be REALLY disaponted and all of us in the family are really aginst and ive tried to stop for some time now and if i dont know what to do.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does anyone know about edgar cayce and can his info help drug addiction? ?

I have researched drug addiction and like a dog returning to its vomit, I return to drug addiction. I am smart and methodical. Part of my problem is I over think or think too much. My bottom appears to b death. I want to live and every day I believe it will b different. I won't give up. Been to rehabs and like 90% of cocaine addicts I return. I not here to b brow beaten or have to hear from pompas jerks. I am here b/c I reuse to give up. There r all kinds of alternatives I can't afford b/c of my addiction. I make my own money and pay taxes. Unfortunately I put drugs above friends and family who still love me, which is mind blowing. Last time I asked 4 help I was impressed at the crap people would answer. If u hate me 4 being an addict don't respond. I hav love for all. That makes no sence b/c if I'm not sure if I love myself b/c I get high. Anyway I'm hoping ur answers will help. Thanks

Sk8board help... keeps breaking...?

Either change the truck Rings to a harder one for like 4 bucks or buy a tail guard made out of plastic which will defiantly help

Are we emotionally dead?

I agree with what you're saying completely. And to me, it does rather seem that way. I'm sure that we still feel the emotions that we used to feel, but now, we are trained to not display those emotions for the world to see, because it might be unpleasant for someone else to see. Well, that's bull. I don't think that's necessarily a good thing either. We should control our emotions, but only to a certain extent, and I think that some people are overdoing the 'control' to the point where they're smothering their emotions, therefore causing irreparable psychological damage.

Why are girls so awkward? They are excited and affectionate one week and totally withdrawn the other week.?

Why cant they just be consistent and be cool all around. Like one week the girl hugs me and interacts with me and the other week shes quiet and doesn't even look at me or if she does shes angry. It might be PMS but please I lived with my mom and my sister and I know its controllable. Its not like you turn into the HULK. Why did god make girls so moody and inconsistent? If only i could read the minds of girls and what they think. I wish i was mel gibson in that movie where he falls in the tub with his blowdryer =D

How long will a google search result show up for?

i was recently slandered on facebook and now its showing up on google search results, and i want to know whether that will be taken off the results in time or if it will be there forever. facebook will not take it down and i cant remove it myself so this may be my last hope.

Boy Help Now Plzz X ?>

ur bf hasnt tlked tu u all week and onli a lil bit ydayy ..... bu seem distracted bu wen u asked hu u tlkin too they sedd no1... u tlkin tu his ex and she says she's tlkin tu him... x just signed in on msn he onlinee ... so she bu heee hasnt even sed hi to you :|

Is Rose returning to Doctor Who Series 5 or the Specials?

Rose is not coming back because she is happy in the parallel world with the clone Doctor. I agree with the other person who said that site makes things up. Their spoilers for The Doctor's Daughter said Torchwood was in it and we all know that's not what happened.

Where can i buy Kinesio Tex Tape in Singapore?

I've heard many good things about Kinesio Tape since the Olympics. I want to try it for myself but can't seem to find it in Singapore. Where can i go to purchase a roll?

Retraining my 8 week old to feed after extubation?

My son suffered respiratory failure and cardiac arrest due to complications from a URI on 5/6/09 (5 weeks old). He thankfully was revived, but was put on a ventilator for 8 days. During his code he was improperly intubated and suffered an esophageal perforation which required immediate surgery and he had 3 JP drains put on his chest to drain the infection he suffered from his stomach contents spilling into his chest cavity. Now b/c of the ventilation and the hole in his throat he has been on TPN's and IV lipids since 5/7/09. He is now out of the PICU and has been given the OK to start bottle feeding again, but seems to have forgotten how to swallow and latch on to the nipple. He does fine with his pacifier though. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me on how to help my son get back into bottle feeding so he can return home. I'd also like to add that he has suffered no brain damage from his arrest so that isn't an issue.

I need some madden 10 advice?

I was really good at madden 08, I played as the broncos and did very well, I took a year off and didn't buy 09 but I just bought 10, I feel completely lost I cant air the ball out like I use to because this madden game is more realistic, I need some tips or maybe even a team to play as any advice will be greatly appreciated.

How come certain foods are more prone to getting tainted with E. coli bacteria?

Such as bagged spinach leaves and tomatoes... Why are the E. Coli outbreaks always around foods like them and not gs or apples for example?

Where on the internet can I find a printable cut-out Captain America mask?

Have you googled it? Have you been to I haven't seen it but try those two sites and good luck

Ok, so apparantely my guy friend just randomly quits talking to me?

ok...uhmm...he asked me for pictures of myself...think , and i told him no. sorrie. ( imma changed person. i dont do any dirty talk, or any of that stuff any more ) and he says ok): and just randomly quits talking to me! hasnt texted or nothinn. /: whyy?

I have a single shot 22 cal breech loader. it has a martini action with patent number13007 stamped on it.?

I have a single shot 22 cal breech loader. it has a martini action with serial num 668 and patent num 13007 stamped on it. can anyone tell me more about it?

Im not sure if my digital multi tester's battery test function is working.?

i just bought a digital multi tester w/ battery test function for 1.5v and 9v batteries. everytime i try a working battery ( i know it is working coz im using it) it just indicates three zeros "000" what does that mean? is my tester working? if a tester is working what's a good battery and one that needs to be charged supposed to read?

How do you hook up wireless routers?

I just picked up a "wireless router". A Westell Versa Link Model 327W. It has the antenna on the back of it, but no other antennas to put into my computers. I was hoping to hook up a computer in my garage (about 50' away) and use this wireless router in the house for the computers inside as well. Am I missing something? Is there something else I need to get for my computers to make them wireless? The people at the store were NOT helpful in any way. I thought I was computer "illiterate". Any help would be appreciated.

I had something stuck inside my eye..i see blurry help!?

It will clear up, trust your doctor for right now clear your schedule and relax watch tv or just try and sleep maybe your vision will clear up lol =]

My Nikon D3100 records in .mov file format. How can I edit that in Windows?

I think you need a professional video converter which can convert MOV files to all video formats that Windows Movie converter accepts without losing quality.

Does any one know how to sell a trademark.As i have WAGS boutique TM for sale for retail,manufacturing rights.

This trademark has cles of 14,18,25.Uk.If anyone knows how to sell this mark i'll cut them 10%. This trademark is worth at lot of money to the right people.

Looking for a raised hood for a 1990 duster?

I am in the process of restoring a 1990 Plymouth duster with front end damage. Problem is... The hood looks like it cannot be fixed. I don't want to pay the $300 plus for a new one. Any ideas as to where I could find a used on in the Joliet, IL area?

My cat seems to be sick or something really strange, please help me out.?

My poor cat Dorie is sick or something, I'm not even sure. My family and I are very confused with what is going on with her. The fur on her backside hasn't completely fallen out, so when I search for it online I don't know what to look for. It's almost like its, shaven, because the hair is there, but very thinned and short. Its only around the base of her tail and her back hinge legs. She use to be the dominant female in the house, among her own brother and sister. But over the past few months she really hasn't been looking well. I don't come from a wealthy family and we really do live paycheck to paycheck. If this is something serious then we will need to save money to take her to the vet. Not to mention Dorie's brother Fee Fee has 3 legs. Long story short, that cost about $600, and that was a few years ago, when they were only little kittylums.

If someone's ssn was used after their supposed death, and no other identity attached to that number...\

does that mean there is a possibiliity this individual is still alive and that they used their ssn before the advent of the internet? My friend died mysteriously in 1984 and I recently found that their ssn was used three times, twice in 1986 and once in 1990. The addresses ociated with the results, were three addresses where he once lived, the first in california, the second where their financial handling was done, and third a made up address in the town he grew up in..he was known to make up addresses and change his name before he died, he came from a wealthy family.. is this a sign he's still alive and if so how can i find him?

Balance sheet problems – Accountants Help Please!?

Cannot answer your question as it is incomplete. You show transactions from the start of the business at 1/1/10, but need a balance sheet for 1/31/10. Need the rest of the transactions for the month to see where you may have fallen out of bed. Try creating T accounts for each of the balance sheet accounts and enter in the transactions one by one. That might help you see what entry or entries you may have missed.

Is this horse too good to be true?

yes, I would be wary but sometime good deals do come up. The horse may some problem that wasn't disclosed. Always take an experience horse person with you and have a horse vet checked. never, never buy a horse without thoroughly checking it out to see if it is suitable for you. It should be suitable for you skill level, and discipline.

How to get husband on board with my weight loss efforts?

The way I handle it is to make my husband the supper he wants and I eat a frozen meal from Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine. My husband eats cookies everyday. He enjoys them and buys them every other day. I have become so determined that it doesn't matter what unhealthy foods he brings into the house....I stay away from them completely. I make sure that the cookies and cakes are in a separate cabinet away from the pantry. He can go in whenever he likes to get them and I don't have to look at it. I keep sugar free jello , pudding and yogurt in the refrigerator when I feel like I need something sweet.

Cat owners, how do you know if your cat is happy?

Sometimes you can kind of tell by the angle of their tail. If it is straight up in the air they are very happy, but if it is low it doesn't mean they're not happy just relaxed perhaps. ;)


Have you ever tried paying attention in Math cl. I will not do your homework for you. This is the reason why our education system is in the crapper. Kids refuse to learn things anymore. They want to just 'google' all the answers....or 'yahoo answer' them.

Anti-zionists, explain this to me?

British Mandate of Palestine. Liberated by such groups as Lehi, Haganah, and Irgun. Suddenly the Jordanians, Lebanese, and Syrians (Palestinians) want the Jews out and keep the land Arab. Who really bled for this land in 1947? Was it not the Jews?

Where can i find jodi benson's address?

maybe here? a href="" rel="nofollow"

How to say "thank you" to a bone marrow donor?

Iwant tosay thank you to a bone marrow donor that saved my stepsons life. Any good ideas? I just can't find the right words.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Serious Question for women in their 20s?

I've a serious question for you guys but I'd rather ask it over IMs because I can clarify, and also because it'll keep stupid answers away. Please email or IM me if you'd be interested in answering. Thanks, & good luck. [ both]

How hard is the CBEST? I am considering becoming a substitute teacher and have to p the CBEST?

I have a BSBA, and a AA in liberal studies, but i haven't been to school for 15 years. I am considering becoming a substitute teacher in CA and need to take the CBEST to finish my credentials. How hard is this thing. If i take a cl on the CBEST does it help. I am good in business and have a lot of experience, but i'm sure that my academic skills need sharpening.. Is there hope?

What ever happened to books with good stories?

hmm no matter what u say i still like the twilight series and i know thats not ur point, but everyone has their own opinion and technically thats what ur asking for when u ask a qs on answers....but i guess i understand ur perspective even thought i loved the twilight series....well you can read The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Kahled Hosseni, the titles might not be very exciting but their very good books, theres also the Lord of the Rings as you are lookings for a series, and i personnally havent read the Eragon series but i heard its good....

What do you think the two political parties will stand for in the 2010 midterm elections?

It really depends on what happens with the economy over the course of the next year. If it improves then the possibilities are endless. If it doesn't, or it worsens then fiscal issues will dominate. Inbents will try to defend their votes in this area while challengers will adopt purely fiscal platforms. I think the accountability of Washington will be called into serious question over the course of the next year and half leading up to the 2010 midterm.

Im in debt need some advise?

If you have been paying your bills on time for the past 12 months then a phone call to each company with you "begging" for them to lower the payments should work. If you haven't been paying on time then they will likely deny your request. Some may suggest threatening to close your account. You can call and tell them that you would like to continue being a customer with their bank but have gotten better offers and lower rates, and then ask if they can do anything for you. You can consolidate all the accounts into one, by calling a credit consolidation services, some people say this hurts your credit, but it has helped me and i even got a car after that, so it must not hurt THAT much. Below is a website that can give you more information. But you can also do a search on "credit debt help". Hope this helps,

What 3 Acts did the signers of the Declaration of Independence feel King George violated?

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I have a long rectangular living room. See the rest of the story below.?

On one long wall are two entrances, book shelves surrounding the fireplace in the middle. On the opposite long wall is a big window. On one short end is another entrance the opposite end is a wall. Can someone help? I know I should divide the room but with three entrances I don' t know how.

Do you wear 'going out' clothes even if you don't go out?

no. i usually wear my pjs and if im really up for it, i might change into a shirt and trackies. its much more comfortable than wearing nice clothes.

GTX 260 graphic card test?

You need to uninstall whatever you install for this graphic card. Then go to Nvidia website and install the latest driver for your graphic card. After installing the new driver, restart and you will be in excellent hands.

Pssst! Older woman please...Menopause...?

I'm 52 and havn't had my period for three months now. ( Hope it's the end, but I doubt it) I have just about all the same stuff as you but no foot or leg cramps. Hot flashes aren't bad, the night sweats are horrable. No drive here for about 8 years, and yes I want to kill hubby sometimes for no reason at all exept that I'm pissed off. Most of the time there is nothing to even be mad at. I think every woman is different, but you sound very pretty normal. I refuse to do the hormone thing. My mother did it natural, and so will I. How long will it last? God only knows. I don't believe any Dr. can give you an answer either. As for the periods, I always had very heavy and painful periods. That's the one good thing. for the last year, they were only about every other month, much lighter, no cramps or sore , but the were longer when I had them. I would trade longer anyday for bleeding to death with terrible pain. There's my take on it. The Mr. is ready to kill me most of the time, but we have been married for almost 34 years. If he hasn't killed me by now, I doubt that he will. Hang in there, we'll both be fine.

Are you a plumber? Is SDR35 and SCH40 compatible? If so, what is the proper connection?

your problem is there was no grillage {gravel} under your piping when the ground settled it screwed things up the plumbing company that did the work should be held reponsible through your builder it should have never past a plumbing inspection as for sdr 35 and sch 40 they are conpatable but they should of used a fernco adaptor to connect them together not a glued coupling

Why do so many people generalize all women...?

The media perpetrates a great many stereotypes. Have you have the real housewives crap on. That is not role model material to begin with. You have music stars dressing like strippers. The way I see it, if you are a cly woman it only makes you look better compared to those who follow the leader.

Do you agree with Obama being able to kill American citizens?

The real scary part, is the government never has committed itself to a realistic definition of the term "terrorism". Theoretically a group of people in a hospice costing the government run health care plan money could be accused of financial and health care terrorism and then they could be targeted and killed. Hey .... it could happen, just like profiling in Arizona's new law. Anything is possible in this brave new world.

Why do we have black history month?

They have so little to call their own. So back in 1936, congress developed the 1/12ths law, which states that for one month and one month only black people can pretend to be proud of themselves.

Where can I download Linkin Park Music Videos with pause resume capability ?

I dont want Morpheus , Ares , Limewire or Kazaa niether such Planet 2 planet file sharing programs !

How to get text underlining and bold text icons on my task bar?

drag both icons from where you see them and place it wherever you want it... or go to options and find them and drag it from there to ur task bar......

How long does a 15gallon propane tank last on a 45000 btu 3 burner grill?

It depends on how much your using your grill. If you use all 3 burners wide open, then it would be about 5 hrs

Is my Goldfish a White Supremacist?

I bought a white goldfish. And I also have black and white pebbles in the tank he swims in. And for some reason, he tends to stay away from the black pebbles. Should I be concerned with my goldfish's bigotry?

Do you remember that game?

you remember the games like wolfenstein duke nukem blood and quake. Do you also remember the game RISE OF THE TRIADS where can you download the full version free of ROTT

What Sport Is Right For Me: Kickboxing or Trampoline Gymnastics?

In January I want to sign up for a recreational sport. I want to do a sport, where I can gain muscles and a good workout. I haven't done recreational kickboxing before but it looks fun. With kickboxing I thought you just do cardio/aerobic workouts and gain muscle. I want to gain muscle more than loose calories. I have done trampoline before, i got a flat stomach. But I want to loose fat and gain muscles in my arms, legs and chest. What sport can I do that in?

Can anybody give me some imagery from the rime of the ancient mariner?

i desperately need some imagery from the rime of the ancient mariner, and possibly a definition of the imagery! can anyone help

Isn't in the best interest of the Bankers for us to b in Iraq?

Congress asks the Federal Reserve (which according to the U.S. supreme court is a 'private bank' and nothing to do w/ the govt) for Billions of dollars to invade countries that did nothing to us (Korea, Nam, Kuwait, Iraq) and we hav to pay it back 'with interest'. Seems like the U.S. should print it's own 'interest free' $. That way the U.S. would not be beholden to any private bank.

How do you go about finding people on electoral register?

I paid �3.25 but i can't find them but i know they are on it. Someone owes me money and i want their address. Can you really find people on it

When is the next ship out date for aviation resource management in the air Force?

I have been in Dep since Mid February and i really want to ship out June the 1st, but my recruiter told me that my jobs aren't available yet. any one who has worked in this field before how long did it take you to get this job ??? and what would be an estimated ship out date since i been in dep since Feb? my job by the way is aviation resource management

What resources or agency you go if your supervisor slander your name?

I'd stalk him and then kill him. Everyone reading this who does stuff like the supervisor in the story above, remember that the person whos life you ruin might be a psychopath. Or they might just be having a really bad day sometime and decide to pay you and your family a little visit. Remember these words well.

Was Willam Defoe an Extra in Spider-Man 3?

if you notice in the bacground in the restaurant we're Peter and Gwen are having the're date, there is a man in the background who look's exactly like Willam Defoe, do you think it's him and if so, It's rare to see actor's be Extra's

Would you rather do nothing at your own house or go over to a friend's and do nothing?

well heres the problem, when yur bored at home you can eat all you want, watch tv all you want and look like crap all you want, now at a friends you cant. but yu can always plan somthing to do, so yea go. i would im frigginnn BORED! and im home.

Should I start Peyton Hillis vs Steelers or Felix Jones vs Vikings?

The Steelers shut down Chris Johnson. I don't think Hillis is on the same level as CJ. Felix Jones would be my choice.

How can i get Bangladesh import licence?hmm?

I m just tring to import some automobile but before that first i need import licence,how can i get it or what i need to get that?

Can I do it the Stephenie Meyer way?

The way Stephenie Meyers writes isn't necessarily tops. She writes with her own style, and to be honest she can often be way too descriptive. I don't think you should try to write like her because, like I said, that's HER style, not yours. Just listen to the voice inside your head, as you get older and the more writing you do you'll get better. There's really no tips anyone can give you.

Is my novel good so far(ANSWER ASAP)???

I like it! I think that you're about 15 years old, but that's just my guess. What is the title of your novel?

How can I stop from farting?

Ugh, I like to eat fruit and when I don't get enough of it I can usually notice a decline in healthy activity. But when I eat fruit I start having major gas. The gas was already bad but the fruit made it worse. The worst thing is I can't hold it in. Not eating fruit is the lesser of 2 evils but I'd prefer not to have to make that choice. Help?

Fantasy football?

Gore.....LJ isnt even signed yet, and may not be until week 3 or 4. McGahee is a gamble. Go with Gore or Addai, both should have huge years.